Mount and blade siege tower not moving
Mount and blade siege tower not moving

mount and blade siege tower not moving mount and blade siege tower not moving

You're setting the "party_count_fit_for_battle" requirement from "more than 5" to "more than 0". (party_slot_eq, "$g_encountered_party", slot_party_type, spt_town), (call_script, "script_party_count_fit_for_battle","p_main_party"), (store_relation, ":reln", "$g_encountered_party_faction", "fac_player_supporters_faction"), ( party_slot_eq, "$g_encountered_party", slot_center_is_besieged_by, "p_main_party"), (this_or_next|party_slot_eq, "$g_encountered_party", slot_center_is_besieged_by, -1), That's a one character change - a 5 into a 0, and it corresponds to changing the 5 into a 0 here: ("castle_start_siege", What you can do, in this case, is edit the menus.txt file. So, what we can conclude is that this is not possible without modding. "Order your soldiers to attack while you stay back.", (ge, ":cur_hours", "$g_siege_method_finish_hours"),

mount and blade siege tower not moving

For that, you need at least 3 soldiers: ("castle_lead_attack", You can start a siege on your own via the cheat menu, but you will not be able to perform the actual attack. Looking at the source code, the cheat menu doesn't actually allow you to attack a castle on your own.

Mount and blade siege tower not moving